What happened tonight in Canada's Parliament is a disgrace. We all know that, but it does not mean that any of us should give up on the fight for freedom, whether in Canada or in the U.S. Do know this - We are going to have some major victories here in the USA, but we won't hold those victories without further action. Yes, pray, but more importantly ACT! Because faith without works is DEAD. I will keep doing my part as best I can but everyone needs to get involved in local governance NOW. You need to vote, give, and share content. Get out there and talk to your neighbors. Win them over through questions. Encourage them to engage their brain and think critically. Do not engage in the Godless entertainment culture that seeks to distract you from what is important, while getting you to consider and engage in all that is abhorrent. We are at a critical time in the world's history where there is a clear display of evil and it's not hiding anymore. People, RISE UP! The world needs you. The USA is the Shining City on a Hill and is the last beacon of freedom. Let's not let it die on our watch. We need a revival of freedom and a revival of Spirit. In short, we need more of Jesus right now. And don't forget, this world is not your home, so no matter what happens here there is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to shun. You, who follow Jesus, are foreigners and aliens in a strange land. God will not be mocked and those who practice evil like this will not like what's coming for them in the afterlife.