We are at such an amazing time in history. Most of us have never seen anything like it. It has been years in the making.
We are fighting a war on all fronts - yes, it’s technology and information but look at all its forms. We have the Graphene Oxide jab that is killing people, causing still born babies, and athletes are falling over on the field. We have CRT and demonic sexual activity being promoted in our schools. The media is trying to cause a race and class war. The military leadership has gone woke. There is a continual push to bankrupt the middle class through green energy and lockdowns. There are the Epstein pedophile rings and cartel-based human trafficking operations. And, of course, we had a stolen election. Yes, the world has always had issues but we are seeing the full force of evil playing out it’s hand.
It leaves us fighting on many fronts and many of us wonder what to do - thinking, what can we do?
Go from big to small. You mneed to be involved at your local level - precinct caucuses, school boards, city councils, everywhere local. The time for allowing others to do it Is OVER! Work to inform, run for office or support solid conservatives, write letters to the editors, share real news, keep fighting! The globalists are pressing hard but we must press back harder.
Tell everyone about Jesus. Pray for and support one another. This war is not only physical, but spiritual as well.
I love you all. Stay strong. I know it’s frustrating. Believe me, I know.