From a Telegram Subscriber on Telegram from South Africa.
Glad to join you here...all the way from South Africa. We have the same problems of growing authoritarianism and shrinking personal freedoms here. All because the USA (among others.. remember Kissinger?) pressured us to stop our border defence against Russia (the major communist threat in those days) and their surrogate Cuba, who were trying to invade us from neighbouring Angola. And hand over power to the ANC, under whose guise we now effectively have the Communist Party in charge. Yes! Many of the ministers & senior members are openly members of the Communist Party - they're in an alliance for 30+ years!
Is this what you want for the USA, the home of the free and the brave? We've been in lockdown for over 500 days now! Varying by degree only. Even banned all sales of alcohol and cigarettes for months, because they'd failed to improve hospital facilities. Even now we can only buy alcohol 9-5 or 6 Monday through Thursday & we have a nightly curfew!
All with the greatest new constitution in the world remember. But the "State of Disaster" they declared March 2020 just gets renewed every month & our Parliament (Congess) doesn't function any more, just meets for 'ceremonial' purposes, the real decisions are taken in the shadows, out of view of the electorate.
Watch out friends...because from our perspective you seem to be slipping rapidly in the same direction. Right into Joey Bribes' basement hideaway? No, it's very obvious you just have a puppet president over there & that the decisions are taken elsewhere. Figure it out please 🙏 before it's too late for all of us. We depend on you for a rational example for the world...and the past year you're failing us badly!